Sixth Grade-Bais Yaakov Elementary of Rockland County
- 6 pencils
- 1 eraser
- 6 blue/ black pens,
- 4 colored pens (not red)
- 1 whiteout (tape),
- 2 gluesticks
- 1 sharpener
- 1 scissors
- markers crayons colored pencils
- 4 different colored highlighters
- 2 thin Expo marker
- 1 supplies box
- 1 index box
- 1 three-hole holepuncher
- 2 2” hard looseleafs
- 1 1 1⁄2” view-binder looseleaf
- 16 subject dividers
- 30 sheet protectors
- 2 packages of looseleaf paper
- 3 pads standard size post-it notes
- 4 one-subject spiral notebooks (minimum 70 pages)
- 2 plastic 2-pocket folders
- 1 plastic 3-pronged folder
- 1 Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary and Thesaurus